The Rake Gag is a scene from the television program The Simpsons, in which one of the main characters steps on a rake. The rake then flips up in such a way that the handle hits him in the face. This is a classic comedy gag, but in this case the writers had the same…
Light Years to Go
In previous posts, we have observed that farts have the qualities of both speech and music. Although we believe it is theoretically possible to communicate with farts, the physiological challenges are daunting, and we have made little progress in this area. Thus it was with some surprise that one of the members of our college…
Farts after Dark
Question: Do people fart in their sleep? Short answer: Yes.
The Sum of All Farts
Question: How big is the flatosphere if animal farts are included? Short answer: 2.8 mm.
Interview: The Ringer
Editor’s note: One of our readers recently alerted us to the existence of a heretofore unknown farter with truly impressive skills. We have verified that his farts are real human farts, using our Flatus Reflector technology. Although this person is not a professional in the same sense as Mr. Methane, he has spent some time…
Fart Overtones
Question: Which musical instrument sounds the most like farts? Short answer: A tenor trombone.
The First Law of Flatothermodynamics
Question: Are hotter farts smellier? Short answer: Yes.
What a Day
One of our core values at the ICEF is that no fart should go unmeasured. Our preference is to employ one of our custom-built devices to capture and store a complete record of the event, including audio and air quality data. For obvious reasons this is not always practical and we often resort to an…
The Antiflatus Decelerator
Question: Is it possible to conceal fart sounds? Short answer: Yes, to some degree.
This Fart Does Not Exist
Question: What do two simultaneous farts sound like? Short answer: One fart.