It may come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog that Fart Maker remains one of the most visited pages & popular tools on the site. Not content to rest on our laurels and inspired by previous examinations of tailed farts we recently began experimenting with one of Fart Maker‘s stand-out features.
Up to now, control of the tail was limited to assigning a duration of up to 1000 milliseconds with a random time-gap between the primary fart and the tail. It occurred to us that having more precise control over the gap might yield a more compelling result. After some tinkering (and a few thousand trials) we were well satisfied that we had something, and we’re pleased to release this update to our readership. In addition to controlling tail duration, there is now control over the gap (it ranges from 0 to 1000 milliseconds).
We invite you, dear reader, to check out the updated Fart Maker. Please let us know what you think.
If, by chance, you Googled your way here expecting something else – don’t worry – we’ve got you covered.